• Studio P is located at 205 Carr Place, Leederville WA (next to Babylon Cafe)


    Please check our Contact page for the most up to date opening times.


    Members have 24/7 studio access. To apply for a membership, please speak to our teachers or send through an enquiry.

    If you are booked in for a wheel throwing class, make sure that your nails are not too long and that you are wearing clothes that can get dirty (albeit that clay washes out super easily!). Please feel free to bring an apron and towel if you would like to protect your clothing.

    If you are booked in for a hand-building class, no need to bring anything apart from yourself and your creativity. As you can work with patterns, your instructor may suggest bringing any items that could produce nice pattern such as shells, rocks, plants and so on.

  • If you can, make use of public transport! The studio is located in the heart of Leederville and easily accessible via bus, train, bike and foot.

    If you are driving, you can make use of the public car parks in Leederville. The big car park on Newcastle street is only a two-minute walk from the studio.

    Street parking is limited to 2 hours, so you may have to move your car during a workshop/class.

    Our premises have very limited parking options. For classes that take place during the day, you are welcome to park on our premises (feel free to park each other in).

  • Please select your workshop date and time carefully. We DO NOT refund or reschedule workshop bookings.

    No replacement classes will be provided for those missed. We suggest putting your booked class in your calendar so you won’t forget about it, as we do not always send reminders.

    If you are unable to attend a workshop, you are welcome to transfer your ticket to another person.

  • All items from your class will be either bisque fired or glaze fired within 2 weeks of course completion.

    Feel free to pop into the studio after that time to pick up your pieces. We will also send emails out to everyone once pieces are fired, however, it sometimes takes us a while to get back to everyone.

    We store fired pieces for a maximum of two months after course completion.

    We recommend bringing a cardboard box if you are collecting multiple pieces (plus a towel so they don’t break!)

  • Our gift vouchers don’t have an expiry date!

    Did you know that you can use your voucher for classes as well as handmade items in our studio store!?

  • Yes! We can host your bridal shower, family event, birthday party and Christmas events!

    Our studio is the perfect place for fun outings for all ages.